Hasil dari good corporate governance menurut beliau adalah   :

- High level of competitiveness Sustainable business development
- Building higher value for shareholders' investment
- Showing commitment to social care responsibility
- Enhancing corporate image and reputation

Forum for Corporate Governance In Indonesia (FCGI)
Corporate Governance can be defined as a set of rules that define the relationship between shareholders, managers, creditors, the government, employees and other internal and external stakeholders in respect to fair rights and responsibilities, or the system by which companies are directed and controlled The objective of corporate governance is to
create added value to the stakeholders (seperangkat peraturan yang menetapkan hubungan antara pemegang saham, pengurus, pihak kreditur, pemerintah, karyawan serta para pemegang kepentingan intern dan ekstrern lainnya schubungan dcngan hak-hak dan kewajiban mereka, atau dengan kata lain sistem yang mengarahkan dan mengendalikan perusahaan.

Tujuan corporate governance ialah untuk menciptakan pertambahan nilai bagi pihak pemegang kepentingan).

3. Corporate Governance Committee of Singapore
Corporate governance refers to the processes and structure by which the business and affairs of the company art directed and managed, in order to enhance long term shareholder value through enhancing corporate performance and accountability, whilst taking into account the interests of other stakeholders. Good corporate governance therefore embodies both enterpriee (performance) and accountability 

4. Sural Edaran Meneg. PM & P. BUMN No. S 106/M.PM P.BUMN/ 2000, tanggal 17 April 2000 tentang kebijakan Penerapan Corporate Governance.
Good Corporate Governance diartikan sebagai suatu hal yang berkaitan dengan pengambilan keputusan yang efektif yang bersumber dari Budaya Perusahaan, Etika, Nilai, Sistem, Proses Bisnis, Kebijakan dan Struktur Organisasi Perusahaan yang bertujuan untuk mendorong dan mendukung :
•   Pengembangan perusahaan
•   Pengelolaan Sumberdaya dan resiko secara lebih efisien dan efektif dan
•   Pertanggungjawaban perusahaan kepada pemegang saham dan stakeholders lainnya.

5. Ernst & Young
Corporate governance consists of an interrelated set of mechanism comprising institutional shareholders, boards of directors and camm-sioners, managers remunerated according to performance, the marks for corporate control, ownership structure, financial structure relational investors and product market competition .


Yang dimaksud dengan corporate governance (tata kelola Perusahaan) yaitu :

Corporate governance adalah hubungan antara stakeholders yang di-gunakan untuk menentukan arah dan pengendalian kinerja suatu perusahaan. Bagaimana perusahaan memonitor dan niengendalikan keputusan dan tindakan manajer puncak, yang disebut governance mechanism, mempengaruhi implementasi strategi. 

Corporate governance yang efektif, yang menyelaraskan kepentingan manajer dengan pemegang saham, dapat menghasilkan keunggulan kompetitif bagi perusahaan.  Beberapa pengertian Corporate Governance dikutip dibawah ini :
Kiattisar Jelatianranat (1999)
Corporate governance is the way in which you do business. Good  corporate governance practice will likely lead to improved performance and growth in shareholder value for the long term benefit of all shareholders.
A key feature of good corporate governance is the style of leadership set by the board of directors and the degree of cooperation that must exist between the board and its senior management team. A robust corporate governance framework, in addition, will need the employment of competent and ethical people structure, system, process to manage and monitor the performance of the organization, including the board of directors and senior management commmunication and accountability all stakeholders.
 Menurut beliau, Corporate Governance dibutuhkan untuk :
—   To uphold human dignity
—   To  create economic values
—   To  improve standards of living
—   To  better working environment
—   To  achieve sustainable peace & prosperity
Bagaimana Good Corporate Gorernance akan terjadi :    Menurut beliau good Corporate Governance dimulai dari Board of Directors
The Board must :
•    Believe in corporate governance
•    Show visionary leadership
•    Select CEO & Senior managers
•    Oversee and support
•    Emphasize Risk Management
•    Install robust internal control system
•    Ensure total independence of the internal audit function via an audit committee
•   Set a role model
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